
Should we plant it? (S.Y.F.F.)

                            Should we plant it?

   Yemen has already been a beautiful country by its attractive nature and green land since the old ages that it was known as the Arabia Felix as well as the two paradises land, and this was even mentioned in the holy Qura’an.

   Traditionally, Yemen was famous for its coffee, shipped from the port of Al-Mukha, from which the English word mocha was derived. Furthermore, there are numerous types of unique and special trees grown in Yemen. For example, it's famous by growing some kind of fruits specially the grapes which have more than thirty types, additional to the unique plants which can only be found in Yemen and here are some botanical descriptions of  the most important plant species: 
Punica Protopunica
A small tree that can reach a height of 3 meters. Its flowers are bright red and the fruit color changes from green to dark red when ripe.
Comiphora socotrana
A small deciduous tree with small serrate leaves which grows only in Socotra in hilly areas.
Comipora ornifolia
A medium size tree which reaches up to 8 meters. The fruits look like small grapes.
Boswellia ameero
A small tree with scaly bark, lobbed dark green leaves and bright red flowers. It produces medium quality chewing gum.
Begonia Socotrana
This herb of global leaves and bright rose flowers, grows on the moist groves in the mountain areas. It is a very rare and valuable ornamental plant.
Aloe squarrosa
This type of Aloe is associated with Aloe perry . Leaves are white spotted and flowers are red. This is also a very rare plant which grows only on mountainous areas.
Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum 
This is a tree of swollen pole which produces abundant quantities of pale red flowers and is very poisonous.
Cephalocroton socotranus
A small tree which produces yellow flowers and exists only on Socotra’s mountains. The wood is used for incense.
Dracaena cinnabari
This tree has a dense crown, pale yellow flowers and black fruits.
Dendrosicyos socotranus
This is one of the most famous trees in Socotra. It grows on the coastal plains and hills. It is the only tree in the Curbitaceaefamily.
Zizyphus spina - christi 
This is a medium sized to tall tree of yellow edible, fruits. It is native to the Arab Peninsula.
Jatropha unicostata
This small tree has shiny green leaves and reaches up to 2 m high. It grows only on Socotra Island.
Euphorbia arbuscula
It is a leafless tree of erect stem and produces resinous exudates. The fruits are brown.
Arthrocarpum qracile
It is a small tree that reaches maximum 3 m. The leaves are lobbed and the flowers are small and yellow.
Dorstenia gigas
This is a small fleshy plant with a swolllen bottle like stem. The leaves are dark green.
Sterculia africana subsp Socotrana
This is one of the largest trees in Socotra. It grows on hills and is native only to this Island.
Croton socotranus
It is a tree which has a straight stem that reaches up to 3 m. It grows on coastal plains. It has a significant role in soil stabilization.
Maerua socotrana
This small tree of weeping branches has attractive white flowers.It grows on coastal plains and hills.
Aloe perryi
This fleshy cactus of orange and yellow flowers, grows only in Socotra, all over the Island.

   As a result, we should focus on what could be done to save Yemen's flora. We are really in need of maintaining the high rank of Yemen's nature by paying attention to agriculture which reflects the community’s sophistication and development as well. It’s important to remember that our land is fertile, and our forefathers were able to compel the nature via growing the mountains by making terraces similar to the stairs. So, let’s sow the plants and grow the useful trees, just take any seed and embed it, let’s plant it today for a better tomorrow.

By: T. Yaser AL-radhmi

Let's join and participate ( Save Yemen's Flora & Fauna )
(SYFF, pronounced siff) is a non-profit corporation that was established in May of 2008 and currently operates in the U.S. and Yemen.